The colors down under

As I scroll through my photos from Australia, these are the colors that pop out at me.

Dazzling blue: the clear skies as backdrop to graceful cities and amazing landscapes, the stately waters of Sydney harbor, the bright hues of the Southern and Indian oceans. Vibrant green: the perfectly manicured city parks and football pitches. The ancient deep burnt oranges of the desert. The gold of the sunlight illuminating it all.

So apparently, I am a fickle traveler; I loved pretty much everything about Australia but plunged head first into a serious crush with New Zealand as soon as we got there (more on that later), and now I’m just dealing with getting to know my way around our new neighborhood here in BA. So I have to take a spin through my photos to remind me – oh yeah, Australia is simply amazing. And it’s nice to remember a bit of sun on this rainy BA day as I’m figuring out how to begin writing about Oz. 🙂

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